Urania Georgopoulou is Research Director of the Molecular Virology Laboratory, Microbiology Department, Hellenic Pasteur Institute (https://www.pasteur.gr/en/molvirology/). She received her B.Sc. (Biology) from the University of Patras in 1982, her DEA in Developmental Biology, from the University "Pierre et Marie Curie" in 1983, Paris VI and obtained her PhD from the University of Paris XI-Orsay, in 1986. She was a post-doctoral fellow in the Institute Pasteur in the laboratory of Microbial Immunology, in the laboratory of Hepatology – Hippokration Hospital, and in the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology-University Medical School, Athens. She was a visiting researcher in the NCI-(Frederick, USA) in the laboratory of Human Retroviruses. Her research interest focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control pathogenesis of hepatitis infection with emphasis on the study of virus-host interactions that may contribute to disease progression. She has publications in peer reviewed international journals, she holds one international patent, and she is invited reviewer in scientific journals. She is an active member of the Bioethics Committee of the ΗPI.